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JFK Special School

Special School


November 2022 Inspection

We are pleased to announce that JFK Special School has retained its 'Oustanding' grading from Ofsted after our inspection in November 2022. Please click the following link to view the full report:


 Ofsted Report November 2022 


John F Kennedy Special School is a school where pupils feel happy and are safe. Pupils join the school at different ages. They are supported to settle quickly, even when they have been out of school for some time. Leaders ensure that the school provides for the different needs and ages of the pupils who attend each site.
Staff prepare pupils very well 
for their next stage of education.

The school is well led and managed. Staff feel supported by leaders. Governors know the school well. Governors and leaders regularly check on staff workload. They support staff if any concerns are raised. Changes are made, where possible, when concerns are raised. Staff report that the school is a ‘happy place’. Leaders provide coaching for key staff. This makes sure that staff are able to discuss their work with leaders and thus ensures consistency in the delivery of the curriculum. Leaders also arrange for staff to work with other schools to learn from each other. This deepens staff’s subject knowledge.

Leaders have strong and consistent systems in place to safeguard pupils across all sites. Staff are provided with regular training and know how to report concerns. Some pupils know who to go to if they have a concern. For other pupils who may not be able to Inspection report: John F Kennedy Special School 29 and 30 November 2022 3 explain their worries, staff are alert to any small changes in behaviour.