Part of the Learning in Harmony Trust

"In the Learning in Harmony Trust, we work in harmony to achieve excellence for all. We live and breathe our values and focus on doing things the right way, providing the perfect environment for all our children to flourish and succeed. And with a diverse range of schools in two contrasting locations, we offer a unique opportunity for professionals looking for a challenging and rewarding career in a supportive, creative and forward-thinking environment."
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JFK Special School

Special School

Vision and Values

Vision, Aims and Ethos

At JFK we believe in providing the best possible education for each child through personalised, stimulating and enjoyable learning. We aim to maximise our learner’s potential and to develop physically, socially and educationally. We provide life-enriching experiences to support our students to be independent and take part in society in a meaningful way.

As a school we aim to...

  • Deliver our vision with a curriculum that builds on strengths/areas of interest and develops skills through exciting and meaningful learning experiences.
  • Promote student voice through developing communication approaches equipping our students with the skills to be involved and to make life choices.
  • Facilitate a safe and secure learning environment, working with a range of professionals to support students and families safety and wellbeing.
  • Give our students the opportunity to take part in life after school, preparing them to be a fully engaged member of society.
  • Personalise learning programmes to develop social and communication skills through a variety of learning experiences both in school and in the community.

As a team we strive to...

  • Work collaboratively with all stakeholders to ensure the best possible outcomes for each student.
  • Celebrate the achievements of each child/young person.
  • Have high expectations for all learners through strong teaching and learning which develops personal, social and communication skills leading towards independence.
  • Model positive behaviour for our learners and each other through developing interests, social bonds and having fun.

As a school our key priorities are...

  • To ensure we support and provide opportunities for all students to maximise their potential through stimulating and enjoyable learning.  
  • Our commitment to the learning and growth of all staff through Professional Development and delivering a personalised learning experience for students.
  • To foster overall wellbeing through respecting feelings, cultures and values and treat each other as individuals. We promote the right to feel valued and respected. 
  • Encouragement of our students to develop their skills for life to allow them to manage as independently as possible in preparation for adulthood.