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JFK Special School

Special School


School Awards

Autism Accreditation

After a visit by Stephen Dedridge a Senior Advisor for Autism Accreditation and others, to our Beckton site over a period of three days as well as  a peer review in March, JFK School has been awarded Autism Accreditation.

The National Autistic Society sets extremely high standards of service, which JFK Special School has worked incredibly hard to meet.

Autism Accreditation highlights good autism practice and the NAS are very pleased to celebrate JFK Special School's achievement.

Autism Accreditation works to improve the quality of provision for autistic people by

  • providing a standard of excellence in both policy and practice
  • presenting a systematic framework for continuous self-examination and development
  • giving guidance and support to the services who use the programme so that they can meet the established criteria require for accredited status

Early in May 2017 JFK was inspected by Ofsted with an Outstanding Result. We then repeated this result in November 2022, retaining our Outstanding status.


Professional Development Award


The PD Quality Mark Award Panel would like to congratulate you and your colleagues on achieving the Quality Mark Gold Award.

This recognises that professional learning is a strength within your school.  Professional Development practice is embedded in all four key aspects of the Professional Development Quality Mark framework:

•           Leadership of Professional development

•           High Quality Professional Development

•           Evaluating the Impact of Professional Development

•           Collaboration and Partnerships supporting Professional Development

Once again, many congratulations on achieving the Quality Mark Gold Award. 

Kind regards

Hilary Adli

On behalf of PD Quality Mark group

Leading Parent Partnership Award

"Congratulations on achieving the Leading Parent Partnership Award,"  

Samiya Bano LPPA Administrator (Feb 2016)

The Leading Parent Partnership Award (LPPA) is a national award which enables schools to pull the various areas of parental support together to provide a more integrated approach to their work with parents and carers.  John F Kennedy School has earned this prestigious award which acknowledges the close communication we have with parents and we hope to improve further in the future.

Please visit  to find out more.

History of Autism Accreditation

Our school kitchen gained an award